To The Tip Of The Cape Peninsula – Cape Point

Dear Diary,

Let’s talk beauty. Not the fashion or cosmetic kind. No,  I’m talking about the awe-inspiring beauty of the world and it’s contents. I had to take this post bit deeper because we’re talking about the southern most tip of Africa. A truly beautiful place!


The coastline is breathtaking and makes you smile by just being there. It’s definitely a beautiful drive down to the coast from downtown Cape Town but is truly worth it.DSC_6108

There are also amazing walks where you can take a look at different areas and angles of the beautiful point.DSC_0274DSC_0305

I can’t forget the animals! The excitement of seeing them roam. This was taken at 300mm away and was a lucky spot. It made it special because he didn’t know I was watching from afar.DSC_0247

My handsome man, Neil while we are on a lunch break. Smelling the salty air and enjoying the bright sun of midday.DSC_0229

Of course I cant forget about our guests, the baboons. They were waiting for us to be distracted, drop food or leave our car open. They are extremely smart. I’d say we had about 20 slowly making their way to surround us. Don’t worry you are safe in your cars! Just don’t get out… like we did! (We only got out when they weren’t there- don’t worry!) If you do go to Cape Point please just make some noise if you feel threatened. That’s all that’s needed to detour these adorable creatures.DSC_0214

What’s not to love?! They are adorable and so very photogenic. (Also taken at 300mm). They just want to enjoy life like us. Watching the coast!IMG_1613

We just had to take one of these! Look at those awesome mountains in the background. They just scream explore! This is definitely one of my favorite places to visit. I know, I say that about every place we go but each place we go to is unique and just as beautiful as the last. Traveling is definitely one of the biggest joys in life.IMG_1603

Well… it’s time to go! But not before throwing a selfie of us in there. Neil’s beard is growing nicely and we decided to wait until the wind picked up to show off our cheesy smiles. It was an incredible day filled with beauty. Now make sure to add Cape Point to your travel destination wishlist.


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